In a Letter Dated 14 January, 2013 Deen Research Center of Netherlands Denounced the letter of Turkish President Mr. Abdullah Gül for violating Islamic values, internationals ethics, constitutional rights of the people of Bangladesh and the laws of sovereign Bangladesh. Here is the Text of the letter:

Date: 14 January, 2013

Subject: Denouncing the letter of the Turkish President Mr. Abdullah Gül

We, in Deen Research Center are shocked to learn that the Turkish President Abdullah Gül has sent an official letter to the president of Bangladesh urging them to forgive Mr. Gulam Azam, an alleged war criminal of genocide and mass-rape during Liberation war of Bangladesh in 1971. This is a blatant interference in the judicial process of a sovereign country. It also failed Islamic values and Turkey as a nation.

All people of integrity regardless of faith and race should stand for the rights of the victims of the genocide and mass-rape in 1971 and protest the statement of Abdullah Gül to the Bangladesh government. It is an illegal interference in a proceeding court hearing before the verdict is given by the International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) of Bangladesh.

Let us stand united for a fair and free trial of the alleged war criminals. No power should stop or influence the trial of all war criminals including Mt. Golam Azam the chief of the then East Pakistan Jamat-e-Islami, who actively helped Pakistan army in their genocide and mass-rape on Bangladeshis in 1971.

We demand this letter to be withdrawn by president Gül

Arnold Yasin Mol
Founder and CEO
Deen Research Center
The netherlands

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