
Tag Archives: 3 million

ICSF and other secular organisations protest in front of Al-Jazeera London office

International Crimes Strategy Forum (ICSF) along with a number of UK based Bangladeshi progressive, pro-liberation, secular organisations gathered in front of Al-Jazeera’s London office to protest the news agency’s biased coverage of the trial of the international crimes in Bangladesh, distortion of national history, and total lack of sensitivity towards the victims of 1971 genocide.…

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Archive I: Media Archive

Archives news reports, opinions, editorials published in different media outlets from around the world on 1971, International Crimes Tribunal and the justice process.

Archive II: ICT Documentation

For the sake of ICT’s legacy this documentation project archives, and preserves proceeding-documents, e.g., judgments, orders, petitions, timelines.

Archive IV: Memories

This archive records from memory the nine-month history of 1971 as experienced and perceived by individuals from all walks of life.