
E-Library ‘71 – recent additions – (September 2010, week 1)

Librarians’ Note: This E-Library is maintained by the International Crimes Strategy Forum (ICSF), a strategic coalition of activists and organisations sharing the common goal of assisting the prosecution of war criminals of Bangladesh 1971. Only the members registered to E-Library site will enjoy FULL-TEXT download-access to the entries. It is advised that you open your free-account today by clicking the Registration link. To be able to download full-text of the items stored on this library, or to add new items, you will need additional user-rights which can be requested from the Library-Admin at the Feedback-Address. You are also welcome to suggest new records to the library database. We hope the resources made available on this site will facilitate serious research of high standard on issues relating to the Liberation War of Bangladesh and the prosecution of war criminals.


Bedont, B and Hall-Martinez, C. “Ending Imputnity for Gender Crimes under the International Criminal Court.” Brown J World Aff. 6.1 (1999): 65-85.

Abstract: Gender-based violence has been marginalised or dismissed as a natural consequence of war. The integration of gender concerns into the Rome Statute is a strong indication of how far the international women’s human rights movement has come. No treaty or court judgement can remedy the suffering of wartime victims of rape, forced pregnancy and other sexual violence. However, integration of gender concerns suggests that future progress for gender justice should not be taken for granted.

Salzman, T A. “Rape Camp as a Means of Ethnic Cleansing: Religious, Cultural and Ethical Responses to Rape Victims in the Former Yugoslavia.” Hum Rts Q. 20 (1998): 348-378.

Abstract: The war in former Yugoslavia has provided documented evidence of rape and forced impregnation used as a weapon of war for achieving ethnic cleansing to fulfill political and military objectives. Though international community is concerned much remains to be accomplished to put an end to present violations, to punish the perpetrators and to prevent these atrocities from occurring in the future.

Doria, José, Hans-Peter Gasser, and M Cherif Bassiouni, eds. The Legal Regime of the International Criminal Court: Essays in Honour of Professor Igor Blishchenko. International Humanitarian Law Series, 19. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009.

Abstract: The book is a collective effort of some 44 established scholars, and practitioners in the various international criminal tribunals and courts. It provides a comprehensive ABC on international humanitarian law, international criminal law and the international criminal tribunals and courts. It is an essential book on the table of anyone interested in the work of new and future international criminal tribunals and courts, both practitioners and scholars. It gives new and original insights into complex issues of the law and practice of the international criminal tribunals and courts.

International Crimes Strategy Forum – ICSF, ed. List of Media Dispatches in the US Electronic Media during the Nine Months of 1971 Liberation War of Bangladesh: Channels ABC, CBS and NBC. Oxford, UK: International Crimes Strategy Forum (ICSF), 2010.

Abstract: The nine months of Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971 received considerable coverage in sections of the Western news media. This is a compilation of the day-to-day news dispatches from three prominent US TV channels, namely, CBS, NBC and ABC. The aim of this list is to facilitate acquisition of official copies of the news items from their original sources. These chronologically arranged items cover the period between March and December 1971. To retrieve the list from the networks’ database, search keyword “Pakistan” has been used. For the sake of authenticity, all typographical errors and short-hands in the abstracts and other entries are left unedited as they have been originally entered on the channels’ databases.

Knoops, Geert-Jan Alexander. Defenses in Contemporary International Criminal Law. 2nd ed. International and Comparative Criminal Law Series. Leiden, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008.

Abstract: The Second Edition of “Defenses in Contemporary International Criminal Law” ventures farther into this uneasy territory than any previous work, offering a meticulous analysis of the case law in the post World War II Military Tribunals and the ad hoc tribunals for Rwanda and the Former Yugoslavia, with particular attention to the defenses developed, their rationales, and their origins in various municipal systems. It analyzes the defense provisions in the charters and statutes underlying these tribunals and the new International Criminal Court, while examining the first judgment in this field rendered by the Special Court for Sierra Leone, on June 20, 2007. The conceptual reach of this work includes not only the defenses recognized in the field’s jurisprudence and scholarship (superior orders, duress, self-defense, insanity, necessity, mistake of law and fact, immunity of States), but also presents a strong case for the incorporation of genetic and neurobiological data into the functioning of certain defenses. Procedural mechanisms to invoke these defenses are also addressed.

“Dr M A Salam vs. Bangladesh (Declaration of Independence Case).” writ petition No. 2577/2009 (2009).

Abstract: Bangladesh Supreme Court’s Appellate Division’s judgment on declaration of independence.

“Major General K M Shafiullah and another person vs. Bangladesh (Preserving War Memorials Case).” Writ Petition No.4313/2009 (2009): 340.

Abstract: Bangladesh Supreme Court’s High Court Division’s judgement on preserving war memorials as historic sites.

“Mohammad Nawab Ali and another Vs Justice A T M Fazle Kabir and another (ICT Judges’ Appointment).” writ petition No. 5391/2010 (2010).

Abstract: Bangladesh Supreme Court’s High Court Division’s judgement on appointment of judges for the International Crimes tribunals (ICT)

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article or in the comment section are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of International Crimes Strategy Forum (ICSF).


  1. আরিফুর রহমান Reply


  2. Tapas baul Reply

    Do we need into include thses cases for the Manual we were talking about then I can start downloading them.

    1. Rayhan Rashid Reply

      @ Tapas,
      The Manual has to be a stand alone document, so we need to include these cases as well, in addition to providing their direct download links through the E-Library. However, this is still further down the line as the cases will go in the second Manual. Let’s focus on the first, for now.

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Archive I: Media Archive

Archives news reports, opinions, editorials published in different media outlets from around the world on 1971, International Crimes Tribunal and the justice process.

Archive II: ICT Documentation

For the sake of ICT’s legacy this documentation project archives, and preserves proceeding-documents, e.g., judgments, orders, petitions, timelines.

Archive III: E-Library

Brings at fingertips academic materials in the areas of law, politics, and history to facilitate serious research on 1971, Bangladesh, ICT and international justice.

Archive IV: Memories

This archive records from memory the nine-month history of 1971 as experienced and perceived by individuals from all walks of life.